36” x 36”
Mixed Media(spray paint, paint marker, solid paint marker)
The city breathing at night, she is vibrant with life and full of possibility.
this is more of an abstract, almost expressionist vibe. I want the three paintings to read like comic book panels, telling the story of two people finding each other in the hustle and bustle of these Los Angeles streets. Being born and raised an angelino, I truly believe that love is possible and unexpected and so beautiful when it happens like that so I just feel the city plays a major role in that process. I built in some affirmations, easter eggs, and intricate details. I worked this canvas with fervor and there are many layers and techniques employed to make it happen. I use the tools of the graffiti artist because I have always been fascinated with street art and how it is juxtaposed with fine art. I believe studio artists have a lot to learn from street artists about resourcefulness and inspiration, marketing and promotion, hard work, etc. I would tip my hat to all the people who spend their nights making the city more beautiful in their way. Messy and sometimes chaotic, I wanted to bring that energy into the canvas and give you something that is a break from the traditional rules of size, scale, color(so much neon lol) and messaging. The moon drips paint all over the place, which I believe sets the tone and is accurate to my experience of the celestial body that is the backdrop for our nightlife.